Thursday, February 4, 2016

Results of the first project and moving onto the second.

Kind of a catch all post here, but we're rolling with it at this point. Back on Tuesday we reviewed our works on our separate films, mine being Detective City Angel. Final results are in the duo of pictures below.

Looking back on the project, I believe I could have put more pictures in the first board on the left, but it was quite a big deal to take into account; at least for the first half of the film. The second part of the film on the other hand, was easier to understand, and the arrangement of the story was well received. Unfortunately, I should have printed out a map view instead of a satellite view of the city in which the murder takes place. Overall, I had fun watching the film and the other films of my classmates and seeing what everyone came up with.

As to the second project. We are supposed to produce two films, one about architecture and one of our choice. Here's the kicker however, one has to be found footage, meaning filmed ourselves and the second has to be of internet videos and footage. I already know what I want my found footage film to be about: The relationship of buildings depending on the time of day on campus. I.E. What time of day has the most people around a specific building. The second film on the other hand, I have no idea where to begin unfortunately. Hopefully after Friday's class I'll have a sense of direction.

1 comment:

  1. for some reason, the second image is out of focus... :(
