Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Semi-Complete Idea

So it's been a long time of Ups and Downs since I last posted, Some good, some bad, but overall, I have an idea that is coming to fruition.

So my current idea is the above drawings, You enter through the main entrance in a sequence that is akin to the "tracking shot present in films. While moving through the main area, you can see the theaters on the outside through their jutting from the main building shape and through the differing slopes present in the interior. The main sequence is Lobby, Main Exhibition, and finally, Exterior Terrace in which you can see all the slopes and shapes of the theaters' impacts. The second floor is devoted entirely to the cinema aspects as all three theaters and the concessions stands are on this floor. Finally, the library and subsequent admin offices are off the main path to promote a sense of a more private space. The archives, screening rooms, and curators' offices are located below the library. Moving forward from this, I'm going to try to make the archives more autonomous from the curators' and screening rooms as well as think about the structure of the building. Now that is going to be a bit of a challenge for me as I'll have to orient the columns and trusses/beams in a way that does not hamper the path of circulation, but instead accentuates it.

These two images are from the Drawdel I did, a highlight of the tracking shot motion. I used brick textures to show the main outside walls and the tiling to show the main path of circulation through the space itself. The bottom of the path is cut out due to two reasons. I wanted people to be able to see the interior ceiling change I've talked about and the space itself goes down.

1 comment:

  1. the eye-level view of the drawdel is very suggestive of the space (the material is a bit too generic, however)... but, it could help determine the views of the interior
